Your Perfect Guide To Get Seasonal Flowers in Dubai Throughout The Year!



Another important aspect of the setting of Dubai is that it has a very hot climate during the summer, and the winter season is cooler with considerably mild sunny weather. This comprises distinct weather and, therefore, makes it appropriate to select the proper seasonal flowers when going to buy a bouquet for someone.

In this blog, we will discuss seasonal flowers in Dubai and which flowers you should buy throughout the year. 

Winter (December to February)

Top Choices:

  • Roses: Roses are popular due to their rich colours and unique variations. The major rose variants found in winter are the arctic rose or deep red roses. They are tough and can grow well even under a cold climate. They are perfect gifts for your winter evening dates and morning brunches. They are well suited for beds, borders, and pots. 
  • Petunias: Petunias are popular during the winter season in Dubai. Coming in various colors like pink, purple, white, and red, they are best grown in cooler climates and serve to make the garden more colorful, especially during winter. 
  • Gaillardia: Gaillardia is also rather drought- and heat-resistant, and the flowers remain effective as late as autumn. The plant has red and yellow flowers; depending on how they are used in the garden, they can brighten the scenery during cold months. 
  • Marigolds: Marigolds are very popular in winter. They are bold and bright and not harmed by the cooler temperatures of the winter season. Their bright yellow and orange flowers give a lively feeling to any garden where it is planted.

Spring (March to May)

Top Choices:

  • Tulips: Tulips are known to be the spring flowers. They are in full bloom this season. Tulips have various varieties with different colors. These flowers give a cheerful vibe and are perfect to show love in the spring. Some varieties of these are found in April and few in May and June. 
  • Geraniums: The geranium flower type is highly adaptive and performs well when planted during the early season of Dubai. It ranges in several colors, and its uses include garden beds, borders, and even containers. 
  • Impatiens: These are flowers that require shade, and they can be planted in the spring seasons. These invaluable plants come in different colors and give an aesthetic look to your garden, especially in shaded areas.

Summer (June to August)

Top Choices:

  • Lilies: Liles are a great choice throughout the summer. These have different varieties and patterns. With lilies, you can make some great flower bouquets that will be suitable for summer days. These flowers grow in heat conditions and are available in abundance. 
  • Bougainvillea: In particular, Bougainvillea is said to be a very heat- and drought-resistant plant. It has various colorful bracts of pink, purple, red, and orange, which gives it aesthetic value in gardens. 
  • Portulaca: Portulaca is a kind of plant that loves the full sun and can stand without water for a long time. It is best suited for the summer season because it has colorful, rose-like flowers. 

Autumn (September to November)

Top Choices:

  • Daisies: Daisies, of course, are flowers of the autumn. Their white and yellow flowers have a cheerful look and would be suitable for any garden area they are planted in to give a fresh look.
  • Chrysanthemums: The kind of flowers that bloom beautifully in autumn. The best part is they come in different colors, which is great for the much-needed boost of color during the other seasons in your beds or containers.
  • Salvias: Salvias are very easy to grow, forming a mass of flowers during the autumn season. These plants have bright red, purple, and blue flowers; besides being beautiful to behold, they also assist in pollination. 


The climate of Dubai is unique and allows the growth of seasonal flowers throughout the year. Hence, it can assist you in finding flowers of your desired kind. Whether these are flowers of spring or the rather strong blossoms of summer, a good flower shop in Dubai will always find something unique to offer to its customers.

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