Article Submission Guidelines

Article Submission Guidelines

Welcome to our Article Submission Guidelines page! We’re thrilled you’re interested in contributing to our platform. To ensure a smooth submission process and maintain the quality of content our readers expect, please adhere to the following guidelines. Failure to comply will result in a declined post.

Title Requirements:

  • Your title should be engaging and informative, consisting of 40-110 characters. It should encapsulate the essence of your article while capturing the reader’s interest.

Content Guidelines:

  • Articles must be between 700-3500 words in length. We look for well-researched, insightful, and original content that provides value to our readers.
  • A maximum of 2 external links is permitted. These should be relevant to your content and provide additional information or resources.
  • At least 1 internal link to other content on our site must be included. This helps enhance our site’s interconnectedness and provides readers with additional learning opportunities.
  • Featured Image: Every submission must include a high-quality featured image that complements and illustrates the topic.
  • Tags and Categories:
    • Include at least 2 tags to help categorize your article and make it more discoverable.
    • Select at least 1 category that best fits the theme of your content. Proper categorization assists readers in finding relevant articles.

Prohibited Content:

  • We do not accept articles or links related to casinos, illegal activities, pornography, or any content deemed unethical. Our goal is to maintain a reputable and professional platform that serves the interests and upholds the values of our readership.

Approval Process:

  • Submissions are typically reviewed within 48 hours. During this period, our team will assess your article against our guidelines and the overall fit for our audience. Compliance with these guidelines significantly increases the likelihood of approval.

By following these guidelines, you contribute to the richness and diversity of our content, supporting a vibrant community of readers and writers. We appreciate your commitment to quality and look forward to showcasing your work.

Ready to Submit? If you have read and understood our guidelines and your article meets the criteria mentioned above, we invite you to proceed with your submission. We’re excited to see your contributions and share them with our audience.

Thank you for choosing to write with us and for your effort to adhere to our submission standards.

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